It’s Time To
Write Your Book

We accelerate your influence by transforming your unique insights into a compelling manuscript.

Business &
Leadership Books

Whether you're a successful entrepreneur or tenured executive,  discover how Chapters can transform your expertise into an everlasting legacy.

✓ Our technology will quickly convert your business expertise into an authoritative and compelling book.

✓ Amplify your personal brand and position yourself as a leader in your field in 90 days or less.

Memoirs & Autobiographies

Chapters will transform your life experiences into a powerful legacy, leaving a lasting impact on future generations.

✓ Our streamlined process makes writing your manuscript a delightful and effortless experience.

✓ Technology and rigorous editorial oversight to ensure your story is told with the utmost integrity.

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Podcasts to Books

For the first time ever, Chapters will transform your podcast episodes into a captivating book.

✓ Technology to expertly analyze and synthesize podcast episodes, extracting key themes and insights to create a structured, narrative-driven book.

✓ Unleash new revenue streams and reach new audiences  by repurposing podcast content.

Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.

Louis L'Amour

Solidify your status as a thought leader and broaden the scope of your influence, far beyond traditional publishing boundaries.

Louis L'Amour